Friday, February 24, 2006

Being pulled by Grace...

I have more fun...and get more out of naming my dog Grace (Gracie) than I should be allowed....
But God had a purpose in giving me this wonderful mutant yellow Labrador.
My son, G, wanted a dog. I love dogs, but didn't have time for one. We have cats, lizards, snakes, etc. An occasional extra teen, as well....
Anyway, I told him that if God wanted us to have a dog, we'd have one. If you're not prepared for the result of saying that to your kid...DON'T SAY IT!!
A week later, we had a dog.
Gracie is about 80 pounds, is tall and muscular, genetically messed up kidney-wise, and we didn't think she'd make it the first year. But here she is...
Wednesday we went for our morning walk, and she can be a handful. She's pretty well trained until she sees a squirrel, a kid, a ball, okay, well...just about anything. Alright, she's out of control sometimes, okay??
She saw a soccer ball and she loves to play she took out after a ball that was innocently sitting there, minding its own business. She yanked me like a tooth on a string about 10 feet, the retractable lead jerked out of my hand and whacked my fingers; pulled a muscle in my arm, shoulder, chest...and so on. SO, I'm feeling a little out of whack body-wise...but I always like to see a blessing in I thought about GRACE.
GRACE wants to exist, to live with us, to be ACCEPTED. Sometimes we aren't paying attention to Grace and have to be jerked awake to see that Grace is there, free, loving, a wonderful gift. If God wants us to have Grace, (and He did!) well....there you are.
Being dragged by GRACE.
Being knocked over by GRACE. (that's happened more than once)
Being pulled by GRACE.
Anything to get our attention.


Gigi said...

I agree GRACE is pretty relentless....what a picture!!

Dave. said...

This post just reminds me of our dog Hooch - a rescue dog. We miss her so much but I am not ready for another - not yet anyway; but I miss the walks.

Joe said...

Nice story! Your home sounds like a lot of fun and full of Grace in more than one way!

karen said...

Thanks, Becky and Joe!
Dave, when you're ready for another Hooch, God will bring one! ;-)
Don't know what I'd do without Grace....both of 'em!

karen said...

ouch, simon!

Mark D said...

Sounds like Gracie is heaven-sent.