Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I took the day off yesterday. Absolutely fatigued. Sometimes I just have to stop for a bit and rest. I have some medical tests on Thursday, so hopefully we will resolve some issues.

I watched "Constantine" with Keanu Reeves. Although it has many "holes" in it as far as spiritual issues (in my humble opinion) I rented it for the demon-butt kicking that I needed to see. I like that part. One part I got tickled over was the apparent need to speak in Latin over demons. I guess that's their language? Funny, the ones in the movie were speaking English, or "hellspeak." I also got tickled over the "you have no authority, you're not ordained" factor. That cracked me up. No one needs anyone that is ordained to save them...we all have the ability to send demons flying. And why didn't anyone in that movie call on the name of Jesus except in cursing? Of course, if they had called on Jesus, the story would have been over, done...film at 11. And, also...my apologies to my Catholic friends and family...but when are you folks going to realize that you DON'T have to go through any human to get to God? I've noticed that even in Protestant circles we keep making the same mistake...I listened to a pastor at a wedding proclaim himself as a "priest" and I notice a tendency of some Christians to follow one person in particular; to revere people rather than God. We are ALL part of a royal priesthood.... there is nothing wrong with loving and respecting people and their gifts; with learning from them. We absolutely must learn and grow with each other. But, when we start putting anyone on a pedestal we get on a slippery slope. I like it when people recognize true spiritual leadership...whether or not that person is "ordained"-- just a normal someone who appears out of nowhere...but has much to say; and yet they are humble enough to maintain themselves as your equal and your friend. I have some friends like that. They walk more like Jesus.
If the body is too focused on the person at the front of the "church"....the communication gets lost between the "parts" of the "church."


... Paige said...

Here Here! You sure put in a nutshell. humm what was that I heard ... even a idiot can appear to have wisdom if he speaks not. Follow Jesus, He will always lead to God. That is where the spoken word comes from we {the children of God} merely vocalize them.

karen said...

Thanks, Paige..
God is so incredible....