Wednesday, December 13, 2006

agghh...attack of the trash trees

I have leaves EVERYWHERE. In the back yard are 2 (used to be 3) 20 plus year old ash trees. One in the front. They are basically what the knowledgable yard folk call "trash trees" because they grow quickly and their roots are obnoxious. That's for sure. I think they are Arizona Ash...different from Texas Ash, a much coveted tree. Or, maybe I have that switched. Maybe it's the Arizona is the much coveted...and why would I have an Arizona Ash in Texas, anyway?
Anyway, I had 3 in the backyard, one finally croaked. When they die, they die. Instant, barren, death. Last year, I had this guy and his crew from Saginaw come out to remove it. These are huge trees. He had started with my permission, to remove the tree, as I was out picking a kid up from school. I came back and went to the back yard and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh...that's the wrong tree!" You know, 'cause it's so OBVIOUS which tree is dead. Guys from Saginaw have NO sense of humor and I don't blame them because the name Saginaw is horrible.
Anyway, every single dang day this week I've swept, raked, and yelled at leaves on my patio, my gutters, my roof, my bushes. We had put straw out on the back half of the yard since Gracie has run paths back there, and it's very soft. She loves it. Can't see it because of the dang leaves! Who needs mulch? Why bother? I just got back in from taking a break. . .raked some off the roof, the patio, the path, and like magic, a bunch more dropped. The trees still have many more. I stuff 'em in the compost and I can't help feeling like Captain Kirk in the "Tribble" episode. I'm glad we have privacy fences because I'd be embarrassed to have anyone see me trying to shake leaves off of a gigantic tree.


kc bob said...

Seeing your leaves cheered me up today because leaf raking is contracted out by our homeowners association. A perk of being old I guess :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Gracie looks so happy in this pic!

Wow, that is A LOT of leaves, sista!
I would be tempted to get a leaf vacuum cleaner and suck em all up.

karen said...

Hey, Bob, glad I could be of assistance! ;-)
Good idea, Barbara...thinking of springing for a leaf blower at least, to blow them into the compost! Gracie always smiles! :-D

Bruce said...

I can so relate witht he leaves thing - I've cleaned out my gutters at least 3 times in the last month. Why do the leaves take so long here in Texas to drop? And you are right, the name Saginaw is horrible, but you've got to admit, there's not much to the town anyway.


NoVA Dad said...

My father-in-law gave me a great trick that saves time AND your back. Instead of raking, mow them up -- they just need to be emptied into your lawn bags, and the yard looks immculate when you're finished.

- Matt