Wednesday, November 30, 2005


It amazes me that some of my artwork that I've posted here goes with many of my thoughts...even though the art was done for various clients. The pictures of the concrete floors that I've painted with faux stone, faux mosaics, painted pearl necklaces, etc....all were just images done for people with no thought but design...but they illustrate thoughts that then permeate my mind in deeper, spiritual ways. I think that's how we need to remember our Father's role in our lives...we have the mundane everyday stuff we have to do for one reason or another, but to remember that He is in EVERYTHING. That all we do, say, live...exists because of, and for Him.
Each thought, action, word, is like one stone by itself...and when put together in that mosaic of our lives becomes a firm structure..but only if that stone is strengthened by His mortar. Building our lives one stone at a time and remembering that He's the One that holds it all together.


God's Woman said...

Yep, yep, yep!

Come and do the happy dance with me!

karen said...

doing a joyful, but really bad interpretation of river dancers.....
] ) ] )