Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Start your engines...

Been busy already this year....check out my art pages. I finished my "paid" part of the church mural...basically 6,000 sq ft of paint (2,000 sq ft of images). I'm also way into the Spiritual art now. Anxious to put some of my images to canvas.

Update: Engine idling...stalled....I always hesitate before I get pumped up because I'm afraid something will come to knock me down. I'm in a bad place right now with the dry eyes...the mouth not as much, but in the morning my head feels bereft of any moisture! Agh. Should have taken stock in eye drops. I'm hesitant to go to the DO (due to go to Dr. S Monday) because they'll want to slap the Sjogren's diagnosis on me. I just can't receive this right now. I bought a little humidifier, and it helps. Some of this is winter dryness. The little anxiety demon wants to get at me and has tried relentlessly over the past few days. Thankfully, my joy is hanging in there. Dry eyes sound like a small thing? Only until it hits. One more crazy making thing. I'm going for a massage this morning. I ordered Dr. Rubin's Great Physician's Rx for Health (not sure of the title). I dreamt last night that I kept trying to put air into a tire and it kept going flat. LOL...what a representation. Well, I'll just get a new tire, then! Hmpff!
'Nother update: I keep getting Hebrews 11:1 shown to me, seriously over and over. Better take heed, huh? Then, I was driving for my massage and I looked THREE times at a marquee sign that was supposed to say, "Buy 1, get 1 free" but I looked at it and it said, "By 1, set 1 free."
Aggh! Is it so difficult for Him to get me to listen that He speaks to me through SIGNS??? Aghh...there's another one...He's talking to me through 'signs.' LOL. I posted a blog a while back that I was asking the Lord "What am I SUPPOSED TO DO??" as I was standing in Healthy Approach, a health food place. The letters on the sign in front of me reordered and said, instead of Healthy Approach, said, "Heal thy approach."
Guess I'm still not gettin' it!!


Milly said...

look at you go!

Anonymous said...

You are so dang talented! I love the "Return to Eden"

pearlie said...

Just one word: Wow! ... and one more: Wow! :)

Anonymous said...

This thought[?] just popped into my head as I finished reading......"Oh but you are getting it!"

I'll leave that with you.

karen said...

bless you, Dave...thank you for reading all of that!! LOL
Yes, I just have to KEEP getting it!

Pat said...

And you are!

Connie said...

Hey karella,
You get it more than most people ever will!

Helen said...

Hi Karen! love your art, you are a very clever lady!

hope you feel better soon, must be horrible feeling like that, I love the way that you see God in it all and as for those signs - that's really amazing!

and - I think you are getting it and thanks for passing it on to us - you are a real Blessing!

Helen x.

MiLeT said...

haven't visited for a while. i do hope you have a healthy 2008!

Milly said...

Check the meds you're on. I was taking one that made my eyes dry and messed with my vision.

God speaks to us any way that he can get us to listen.

karen said...

milette, I've popped in on your blog often...I'll be back.
Milly, you're right...I'm only on nexium and thyroid. nexium causes dry mouth in some folks...and dry eyes, maybe in others. I've been trying to get off of's easy to be hooked on it. Thanks!