Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shake ups

Just found out the teacher I work with..a young and outstanding lady, has been transferred to another school, so my future is a bit shaky at the school I love. Who knows who they'll pair me with. We'll see how it goes. I was sorely disappointed in the responses from our team members to her email about her move. They were mechanical and unfeeling. Most people don't "get" Kim...I do, and she is all about the kids. Highly organized at 26.....a little OCD, so when people enter her calm and tidy opposed to other Special Ed appears little is being done. That's simply not the truth. The girl can think on her feet, wing it, and create something amazing just to reach one get to where she needs to be to reach him or her. We became good friends and it saddens me that people can't see the hard working Kimmie I see. Is it jealousy? Unopened hearts? I don't know.
I keep trying to study for my certification tests, but I'm just unmotivated. If I become a teacher, my time will be consumed with teaching chains instead of teaching freedoms, which I have now with what I do for the school, and for the kids with my critical thinking club. I won't have time for that...but I'm still in the need for furthering my financial freedom.
I think about how the disciples felt when Jesus left them to go after someone else. Kim keeps her eye on the one kid that's about to move beyond help, ignoring what others think...and Jesus goes after the one lost sheep.
I know there was jealousy and resentment of some degree. Maybe if we were all focused on the ones who need us, we wouldn't be concerned with what we think WE'RE missing.....

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Summer....into the heat of things...

Summer is here, thank goodness! What a year! I have to say I've been blessed immensely through a lot of stuff. I know many of you have suffered trials. I hope that you are experiencing some peace and comfort through them.
I've been pushing through things I don't want to happen to try to get to the things I want to happen. Things in the Spring are new and fresh...and promising....Summer comes...the heat gets turned up and the uncomfortable broiling begins....the test of how much you can take and how uncomfortable things have to get before you will try to change them.
I've always liked the heat. I think I can handle this frying pan--with His leading.