Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One day at a time....

..That's what Gracie is teaching me (with our Dad at the helm, of course). She's had good days, and we're heading off to the vet in a little bit to check her blood. She'll get some acupuncture, too. Last week it jazzed her up, and it made us both feel better. The lesson here is really that we're only promised this day. Gracie wakes up with a smile on her face and is still rarin' to go. Skinny girl, but eats enough to chase the ball and squirrels.

Robert is heading to Iraq. His wife sent me the send-off pictures from Ft. Hood and those made me cry. 12 to 16 months. I worry about him, and will just have to put him in God's hands.

Like just about everything else, right?

This song from Downhere has comforted me these days:

Yes, Marc Martel sounds (and looks) a lot like Freddie Mercury as evidenced by this little number he did for a church that had a message based on Bohemian Rhapsody. Incredible:

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills --where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip --He who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you --the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm --
He will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more.

Thanks, Connie

Poster copyright 2009 kkd